Gratitude is the Attitude: Using Love to Weather the Storm

Vedia Barnett
3 min readApr 29, 2019

There was a point in my life when I just could not do this. I allowed my circumstances to take me out mentally and physically.

2018 had been one of those years. My family has seen some beautiful highs, but we’ve seen some crushing lows too.

Most people would say, “But Tanya, we saw you and your husband on Black Love on “THE” Oprah Winfrey Network. You guys are lucky. You have everything to be grateful for and more.” I dare not diminish the awesomeness of these experiences, the relationships that have been created, and the amazing favor we have found amongst some pretty amazing people. To have couples come to us to say how we’ve touched their lives through our stories and how they are choosing to work on their marriage is humbling. For this I am grateful.

Also this year, our oldest daughter, who is in the military, surprised and blessed us with our first grandchild. I had to drop everything and jump on a flight to go take care of him so she could go back to work. After arriving in Texas to watch baby Weylan Malcolm for a week, my daughter’s childcare fell through, so 3-month-old Weylan Malcolm and I boarded a plane. Don and I kept him at our house for roughly two and half months. Those midnight feedings and diaper changes were no joke. We were like zombies. Yet…

I have to be honest with you though. I have been extremely overwhelmed these last few weeks. When I found out my amazingly supportive husband was no longer employed, I wanted to…



Vedia Barnett

I'm a Disabled Veteran as well as an veteran advocate & community activist